Arkhan is Bulk Up, Krond is main DPS (w/Fall Back blessing), Korth is non-Adjacent spec to boost attack speed of Warden and Krond. Donaar is your hero here with his acid vomit Ultimate. Click damage is helpful, but it's impossible to clear the stages with just click damage. I can't see using either Aila or Walnut here as a tank.
#Idle champions of the forgotten realms favored enemy upgrade#
Upgrade your heroes, collect unique gear, and unlock new Champions in regular new events. This one is a very tough adventure with the limitations it imposes. I went from 2.71e70 damage per strike with Arkhan to 1.29e89 damage per strike with Arkhan from stage 1 to 250. Champions fight monsters in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms.

My only complain with the system is the length of time it takes to earn free play currency for most players, maxing out both Patron's freeplay currency will consume about 4 days of time per week. If Paultin gets focused on, he'll die quickly.

Celeste may have a +1 CON Feat which is not yet available in the game. I don't think too many people that have unlocked Azaka will have issues with these variants under Mirt, especially since you won't have to face the big bosses on 400. Use Donaar's Ult as a swap at the start of the fight to take him down quick! Mirt variants.