Other platforms Supported operating systems other than Linux. License The license of the server and client applications. Other interfaces The application has the specified user interfaces, e.g. CLI The application provides a command-line interface. FS monitoring The application listens to file system events to trigger the synchronization. This attribute does not apply to applications that only propagate changes in one direction. it does not silently discard conflicting files.
Wikipedia:Comparison of file synchronization software.List of applications/Internet#Cloud synchronization clients.List of applications/Utilities#File synchronization and backup.Nonetheless, most of them still allow storing and reverting to old revisions of modified or deleted files.

These applications simply keep directories synchronized between multiple locations/machines, in a "mirror" fashion. The planned method to restore backups if needed.compression, encryption, handles renames, etc. The features expected from the backup solution, e.g.The planned frequency of backups, e.g.CD, DVD, remote server, external hard drive, etc. The type of backup medium that is going to store the data, e.g.In order to choose the best program for one's own needs, the following aspects should be considered: